A Weighty Issue
I have reached a plateau. Rather, I’ve been AT a plateau for, I dunno, about a year or more now. And I am beyond frustrated. For the past...

Taking Responsibility
It’s easy to blame someone or something else for your shortcomings. Instead of owning up to – and changing – what’s disappointing you in...

Be Kind, You Deserve It
There is no question that we, as people, are hard on ourselves. Whether it’s due to the way we were brought up, the media’s insistence...

Hi, Maintenance!
It’s 2019 (already!) and people have made, and perhaps broken, their New Year’s resolutions. I didn’t make a specific, or at least...

Thailand: A Trip to Remember
It’s taken me five years to write this. I’ve thought about many different ways to begin, but I didn’t know how and nothing seemed right....