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Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (Pt. 1 - Work)

It's been a while and I've been busier than the news trying to cover all of Trump's asinine tweets. In the spirit of catching everyone up, let me break it down for you.


I still have my "normal" 9-5 day job as a Quality Control manager. However, there have been several more developments since I last wrote.

At the beginning of the year, I asked my boss for a raise, since it's been around 5 years since my last one. He denied my raise due to it having "not been a good year" for the other departments. I was expressing my frustration to my friend, who said that my work was never going to have a "good year" again, due to us being tied to the production of DVDs and Blu-rays (dying formats in this digital age). A light bulb went off in me. As difficult as it was to hear, I hadn't thought of it that way, only that I wasn't being valued. I continued to hear the epiphany bells, and I realized that I had to shift my focus away from getting a raise and toward new ventures.

My friend asked me what else I would like doing for work (besides acting) and I mentioned teaching fitness classes. I was taking tons of classes at the gym already, so why not get paid for it? One day, after kickboxing class, I asked my teacher at LA Fitness what one needed to do, or be certified in, to teach there. She was super excited that I was interested because they were currently looking for new instructors. I was called in to audition several days later, and the following week I found myself teaching both kickboxing and Zumba, plus a few other formats I hadn't even thought of.

Here I was, a complete newbie, teaching several different classes at multiple locations. Nervous and floundering at first, I eventually got into a groove and acquired a nice following, especially in one of my strength-training classes, of all things. So much so that one of my students suggested I apply to the just-opening Crunch that she also belonged to. She brought me to Crunch one weekend, where we met with the general manager, I handed him my resume, and got asked to come audition the following day. I came back, auditioned, and immediately got hired at Crunch for even more class formats - with the caveat that I had to get CPR certified and pass my AFAA exam.

I buckled down for months studying and ended up passing my AFAA exam, two days early, with a 98%! Now, I was teaching at LA Fitness and Crunch, with potentially more opportunities in the works. I enjoy it immensely. First, it helps get my butt to the gym when I don't feel like going. Second, teaching rejuvenates me, especially when I can tell that the class is having a good (or challenging) time. Third, I've been able to meet a good number of new people, such as my student that opened the door to Crunch, as well as a gal in my own apartment complex!

My Zumba class at Crunch

In addition to the gyms and my office job, a friend referred me to his friend's website ( and said I should do event reviews for them. Since Halloween was coming up, I decided to take him up on the offer and I started writing reviews for escape rooms, haunted houses, immersive theater, among other things. Not only did I get in free to the events via press passes, but I also got a nice stipend from the website from ad revenue. I was already going to do as many Halloween events as I could, but now I get in to some (not all) for free, plus possibly get some pocket cash at the end of the month! I went a little crazy during October trying to do EVERYTHING, but things have slowed down a bit, thankfully. Now, I'm gearing up for a few more escape rooms and some fun holiday events.

You can read all my event reviews here:

That's it for Part 1 of my updates! More coming soon.

At 17th Door, my favorite haunt of the season!


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