WTF-lesque (Event #3)
I had seen the WTF-lesque troupe before during their “We’re All Going to Hell” show, but I was super excited for their Stephen King night, as I’m a big fan. I was not disappointed. Going in, I was really curious how they were going to make acts around Stephen King books/films, as I was thinking about it too literally. The ladies and gentleman of WTF-lesque blew my mind with their creativity, their humor and their costumes, plus the added fun bonus of guessing which book/film the act would be from.
All of the acts were thought out and reflected the original works, but several of them really stood out for me one way or another. Either the dancing was great (The Dark Tower), the dancer(s) were having a blast in character (Cujo; Creepshow) or the concept was totally innovative (It; The Shining; Christine). I loved their custom pasties - corn husks (Children of the Corn), books (Misery) and eyeballs (It), to name a few. There was fire dancing (Firestarter), singing (the twins from The Shining) and even a bit of blood (Carrie; Pet Sematary).
I appreciate the burlesque world (especially the WTF group) for being so diverse and creative. They don't stick to the "norm" in any sense of the word, and the audience loves it! I applaud the women and men of WTF-lesque for pouring their hears into their acts, and the Stephen King show was no exception. I had so much fun!

It, The Shining, Children of the Corn, Cujo, Carrie