Good CAR-ma
Because I've been feeling less than stellar, I'm digging into the depths of my Google Drive to pull out a little something for your amusement.
My friend Erik and I, fed up with the insanity of Los Angeles traffic, came up with a few "rules" to abide by to make things easier for everyone. These don't have anything to do with legality, just courtesy. Enjoy and I'll see you on the roads!
Unless needed to avoid an accident or exit, don’t tap on your brakes on the freeway. It freaks out people behind you who think there might be an accident or terrible traffic ahead. (No brake tappers!)
Don’t be afraid to miss your exit if you’d have to slam on your brakes and swerve over 4 lanes to get off the freeway. There should be an easy way to get from the next exit to where you need to go.
If you’re in the far left lane and people are consistently passing you - MOVE to the right.
Go at least the speed limit (or slightly under). If you want want to drive 5-10 mph under, be in the far right lane. If you want to go 40mph, take surface streets.
If you are in the far left lane and see a speedster barrelling toward you in your rear-view, get over and let them pass. It’s safer than having them weave around you at unsafe speeds.
When making a right turn, hug the right curb (don't block the whole lane).
When NOT making a right turn, hug the left lane line (make room for the right-turners).
Don't push the yellow light when people in oncoming traffic need that yellow to make an unprotected left turn. Often, it's the only time they can.
If you're looking for an address or parking spot, pull to the right to let people behind you pass.
Use your blinker when turning or changing lanes. Mind readers don't exist!
When you're on a two-lane road and there's another person in the lane next to you, don't drive exactly with them. Instead, try to stagger so other people can get around you if they want.
Don't rubberneck at an accident or flashing lights (oooh, shiny things!) - it's gross, dangerous to the people behind you and slows down traffic even more.
When a lane is ending (you're made well aware of this ahead of time), don't use it as a passing lane to get in front of a few cars - it only exacerbates the situation. Merge like a normal person.
These are just a few friendly suggestions we came up with. We all have to share the road with each other, so let's be kind (and safe!) to one another. We're not monsters out to get you; we can co-exist and all get where we need to go.

My first car purchase, circa 2011. It's made of 2% unicorn parts.