Camp Introspection
As a kid, I used to go to summer camp for a week every year. I loved it. I got to hang out with my friends and spend time in nature. We...

Good CAR-ma
Because I've been feeling less than stellar, I'm digging into the depths of my Google Drive to pull out a little something for your...

Not gonna lie… I’m pretty lost right now. I feel like I’m going through the motions, trying to get from day to day. I’m not sad or...

See Reverse for Care
Sometimes I wish we all had “care” tags, like clothes do. Where we would come into the world already knowing how we need to be loved and...

Being Selfish?
I hate saying “No” when people ask me to do things. Not because I have a fear of missing out, but because I usually WANT to do whatever...

All I Could Do
I lost one of my cats of 13 years in January. His name was Colonel Sanders. One day he was fine, the next he was vomiting all the time...

This Little Piggy...
I love dancing. I feel whole and free when I dance. I get lost in the music and everything else just melts away. My true dance-style...

When Enough is Enough (Part 2)
Removing someone from your life sucks. Especially if they’ve played a significant part in it. Unfortunately, not all relationships are...

I'm Not the "Cool Girl"
I admit it; I’m not the “cool girl”. On the day I turned 34, as I quietly watched the sun set behind the Pacific Ocean with a handful of...