Well, it’s been a while. Since the last time I wrote, it’s a new year, and for some a new beginning. I don’t know if I “believe” in all that “New Year’s Resolution” stuff, but I definitely believe in setting goals and bettering myself.
Every year I try to make a list of accomplishments/events/projects I’ve completed or been involved in, to be able to look back and see - on paper (or a computer) - that I DID something, often times a LOT. Because it’s easy to get lost in sitting at home, snuggling the cat and watching yet another bad horror movie night after night. And I tend to lose sight of all the crazy fun things the previous year brought me. So, I’d like to share some of my accomplishments from last year, and goals for this year!
In 2016, I placed my pieces on the chessboard, getting ready for action. I acted in 10 films (shorts and features), producing 3. Some were mostly for practice or footage for my reel, but they were all so much fun and worth it! One of my goals for 2017 is to put one of those shorts in at least one film festival - something I’ve never done. Also, a feature I acted in should be in theaters this year, which I’m very excited about! (Once the trailer comes out, I can post specifics.) And I got a new agent, whom I’m very optimistic about for 2017.
2016 was a year of maintenance. Long overdue, I went to the dentist, updated my eye glasses, took care of my car and my cat(s). I’m very good at procrastinating when it comes to doctors/dentists. I hate going. But I made the effort last year to make sure my body, cat(s) and car were as healthy as could be. I even voluntarily went to the doctor when I decided to get an IUD instead of pills!
I didn’t read much in 2016 and would like to read more this year. In fact, I have a stack of books ready to go! Stephen King, Tana French and James Patterson, here I come...
I saw a handful of live shows (Newsies!) and several movies in theaters or at outdoor cinemas. Mostly, I kept my silly movie-watching to the privacy of my own home.
I participated/spearheaded 11 karaoke theme nights - some of the most fun were 1980s, Sexy September and Gender Swap. I can’t wait to see what themes the group comes up with this year.
2016 was clearly the year for Halloween events, some definitely bear repeating (17th Door) and some I know I can skip this year (Rise of the Jack o’Lanterns), but all fun in their own right.
I went to several museums - Museum of Broken Relationships, Autry, FIDM, LACMA (Guillermo Del Toro) - went to the Cat Convention, an adult-themed carnival, LA Live Round-Up (country night) and the Sumo Wrestling Championships! I went to Griffith Observatory’s Starry Nights, a liquor tasting, and played glow-in-the-dark beach volleyball.
I saw my parents 4 times in 2016. We celebrated Chinese New Year’s, went on the Warner Bros. Tour, did arts and crafts, and went to Descanso Gardens for their Enchanted Christmas lights (in the pouring rain!).
I created! I painted, did quite a few puzzles, finished a cross-stitch and designed/made enough pieces of musical theater logos for an entire quilt!
I went to Yosemite (I need to go there again ASAP) and Vegas. I'd really like to be able to take a vacation, even a short one, this year. I think my last actual vacation was at least 2 years ago!
I got a tattoo that means a tremendous amount to me, and every time I look at it, I feel love.
In 2016, I grew up. I stood up for myself and stopped engaging in a toxic relationship, while surrounding myself with supportive and loving people. I had my heart shattered into a million pieces when Colonel died. I learned to put my heart back together on my own. I learned that grief doesn’t go away with time, it just lessens and sometimes overwhelms me when I least expect it, but that’s OK. I beat myself up at first (I can’t count the number of chiropractor appointments I had) and then learned to take better care of myself. I started looking out for myself and my needs first. I learned how to be vulnerable and honest with my feelings through this blog I started. I was brave in facing things I was so scared of before, things that other people said they “could never do”. I started practicing patience with myself, and kindness. I gave myself permission to never lose the inner child in me - I’m still going to be wacky and silly and make bad decisions. I became more sure of who and what kind of person I am, where I can improve, and where I excel.
In 2017, I hope to see all the puzzle pieces I took out in 2016 fit together, creating an even more beautiful year. I hope to push that career-snowball down the hill and watch it grow exponentially. I hope to help others up that hill to push their own fill-in-the-blank snowballs. It’s going to be a rough year politically, but I hope to find peace and love and optimism in my own life, and share that with others. I hope to create and perform, and I hope to watch others. I hope to be as healthy as I can be, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I hope to be challenged and overcome, stronger. I hope to laugh and smile more. I hope to be inspired and inspire others. 2017, hear me roar!