Own It.
I got new headshots taken recently (essential photo ‘calling cards’ for actors), and despite being called “pretty” and “photogenic”, the...

Well, it’s been a while. Since the last time I wrote, it’s a new year, and for some a new beginning. I don’t know if I “believe” in all...

Chin Up
I haven’t felt inspired to write lately. With the doomsday election over and my feeling of being unappreciated (at work, by some friends...

Camp Introspection
As a kid, I used to go to summer camp for a week every year. I loved it. I got to hang out with my friends and spend time in nature. We...

OK, Elsa...
I’m either one of the bravest or dumbest people I know. After a year of pining for the “one that got away”, I contacted him about a...

Museum of Broken Relationships
I went to the Museum of Broken Relationships a few weeks ago. Several of my friends weren’t interested in going because they thought it...

My weight fluctuates constantly, sometimes up to 20 pounds difference. Although, I try to stay active more than not. I need to. I'm like...

Pucker Up!
I’ve been single/dating for almost three (maybe even four) years now, to no avail. There was one guy a year ago now that I genuinely...

See Reverse for Care
Sometimes I wish we all had “care” tags, like clothes do. Where we would come into the world already knowing how we need to be loved and...

Being Selfish?
I hate saying “No” when people ask me to do things. Not because I have a fear of missing out, but because I usually WANT to do whatever...