Museum of Broken Relationships
I went to the Museum of Broken Relationships a few weeks ago. Several of my friends weren’t interested in going because they thought it...

My weight fluctuates constantly, sometimes up to 20 pounds difference. Although, I try to stay active more than not. I need to. I'm like...

Pucker Up!
I’ve been single/dating for almost three (maybe even four) years now, to no avail. There was one guy a year ago now that I genuinely...
I Cry
I’ve been finding it hard to write lately. Not because there aren’t things to write about, but because there are – so many. A lot of...

Not gonna lie… I’m pretty lost right now. I feel like I’m going through the motions, trying to get from day to day. I’m not sad or...

Consistently Fun
My mom read one of my blog posts recently and texted me, “We’re not very consistent parents, are we?” I don’t know if it’s because of how...

See Reverse for Care
Sometimes I wish we all had “care” tags, like clothes do. Where we would come into the world already knowing how we need to be loved and...

Being Selfish?
I hate saying “No” when people ask me to do things. Not because I have a fear of missing out, but because I usually WANT to do whatever...

"Day of Lacey"
I have been in 2 long-term relationships for almost 12 years of my life. But a relationship that lasted maybe a month and a half took me...

All I Could Do
I lost one of my cats of 13 years in January. His name was Colonel Sanders. One day he was fine, the next he was vomiting all the time...